I Have No Other Plan

They all joined together constantly in prayer, along with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brothers. – Acts 1:14
It appears in Scripture that almost everything begins with prayer. At the last encounter that Jesus had with His disciples before His ascension, He told them to return to Jerusalem and wait for the promised Holy Spirit. The next time we see them, they are all gathered in the Upper Room and what are they doing? They’re having a prayer meeting! God had a plan for winning the lost through these men and women and it began through prayer and was empowered by the Holy Spirit. That has not changed. But, will we still accept the challenge that winning lost souls depends upon our prayers? Dick Eastman, the founder of Every Home For Christ, tells this story of a modern day parable that is told of Christ returning to heaven after His resurrection. I believe it really makes a point. All the angels gathered for the gala celebration of Christ’s return. During the festivities, the angels gathered around God’s Son to hear about His many experiences on earth. Christ told the angels how He healed the sick, raised the dead, and performed miracles among the multitudes. Then, He told them the story of how He died on the cross that man might be free from sin. He also explained how He rose again from the dead on the third day. As Jesus finished His account, all of heaven was silent. Suddenly one of the angels declared, “Lord, it’s our turn to participate. Let us go to earth and tell the masses of all you’ve done for them.” The Lord quietly shook His head and answered, “No, that will not be possible.” All the angels were puzzled and another inquired. “How, then, are you going to send this message to everyone on earth?” In a confident tone the Master answered, “I have left this responsibility in the hands of 11 fishermen and those who will follow.” With a questioning look another angel quickly responded, “But, Lord, what if they fail?” Jesus answered, “I have no other plan.” Winning souls for Christ, my friends, begins with prayer. Let’s pray for workers for the harvest and that those workers might be you and me. Let the dry bones come alive. – Maranatha!