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Full of Sap

"They will still yield fruit in old age; They shall be full of sap and very green, to declare that the Lord is upright; He is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in Him." — Psalm 92:14-15 It's no secret that our contemporary Western culture has invented a word that people of all ages today know too well and quite frankly have become enamored with, without rebuttal. It's the word "retirement" (and the sooner the better). We look to our 401(k) and tell it to hurry up and get moving so we can be on our way to bucket list city. Ahh, the American dream! But if you're a believer, is it God's plan for us as we grow old to stop serving Him? Jamie Buckingham, author, pastor and long-time editor of Charisma magazine until his death in 1992, thought otherwise and left us with these thoughts. I agree with him. Maybe you will too. "It is God's plan for us all to grow old and to go through physical changes. But it is not God's purpose for us to grow old and stop serving Him. Regardless of how old you are or how you feel physically, God still has a plan for your life. Regardless of age, you have high value to God. God does not want his people to retire from His service. He needs you now more than ever. He needs you during all of your living years. I don't see any place in God's concept for life that people are to retire and sit in a rocking chair all the rest of their days (or play golf six times a week). That is not God's plan for your life. Stop living like you are already dead! Be excited about your future regardless of how far your past goes back. The doors ahead are wide open. Be creative and productive all the way up to the time God calls you home. Get involved in your church. Be a light to the world. Shine until your last breath. Don't let your age or physical inabilities ever stop you from doing the ministry God still has planned for you!" So never stop dreaming of serving Him, saints, because "When your memories are more exciting than your dreams, you've begun to die."* Maranatha!

*Howard Hendricks

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