"Whenever a woman is in labor she has pain, because her hour has come; but when she gives birth to the child, she no longer remembers the anguish because of the joy that a child has been born into the world." — John 16:21 Missy was a 15-year-old high school sophomore in her second trimester. Her parents drove her from their home in Colorado to New Mexico for her abortion. They saw the Know Now Medical Mobile Unit from Care Net Pregnancy Center of Albuquerque parked near the clinic and accepted the invitation to come on board and talk with the staff.
Missy began to share how scared she was about being pregnant. She said she wanted to finish high school and have a successful life. The baby's father wouldn't be involved. How could she manage life on her own? One of the staff members asked if she could share her experience with Missy and her parents—they agreed. The staff member shared that she had just retired after 30 years as an engineer, but 40 years ago she was facing the same decision as Missy. She was 15 and pregnant. She made the choice to keep her baby and went to a school for pregnant teens. After graduating, she went to college and has had a good career and an amazing family. Because of that one choice, she was able to share about her beautiful children and grandchildren. She told Missy, "It won't be easy, but it will be amazing." Missy and her parents were encouraged. They asked a lot of questions about school and pregnancy. The staff also informed the family about fetal development and what Missy's baby was doing right then. Missy declared her desire to keep the baby and stay in school but she was nervous about the baby not having a father figure. After hearing that, her Dad came over and took her hand and said, "I will be that man in your child's life." With tear-filled eyes Missy said, "I want to keep the baby." God has a purpose and a plan. He put the right people in the right place at the right time so Missy could hear just what she needed to hear to choose life. Maranatha!